If you are interested in membership with
Roanoke Valley Baptist Association, please contact us.
...not forsaking our own assembling together, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another;...
Arcadia, 21 Chapel Road, Buchanan, VA 24066,
Church Contact: Elizabeth Petty, 540-254-1992
Belmont, PO Box 19402, Roanoke, VA 24019, 540-343-5539, email: info@belmontlife.org
Pastor: Jon Laughinghouse, email: jlaughinghouse@belmontlife.org
Financial Secretary: Sherry Norville
Click here for Belmont's website: www.belmontlife.org
Bethel, 1601 Colorado St., Salem, VA 24153, 540-389-2376, Fax: 540-389-1784, e-mail: office@bethelbaptistva.com
Pastor: Hilton Jeffreys, email: pastorhilton@bethelbaptistva.com
Pastor of Care: T. Ivey Adams, email: adams.ivey@yahoo.com
Worship & Creative Arts: Adam Hughes, email: pastoradam@bethelbaptistva.com
Students & College: Joshua Jones, email: students@bethelbaptistva.com
Children: Lisa Barnett, email: kids@bethelbaptistva.com
Pastor Emeritus: R. Stuart Carlton, email: rscajc@aol.com
Administrative Asst: Robin Rowe, email: office@bethelbaptistva.com
Click here for Bethel web site: www.bethelbaptistva.com
Big Spring, 9135 Roanoke Road, Elliston, VA 24087,540-268-5850, email: office@nrvhope.com
Click here for Big Spring's website: bsbc.org
Bonsack, 4845 Cloverdale Rd., Roanoke, VA 24019, 540-977-5701, Fax: 540-977-0910
Pastor: Chris Cadenhead, email: ccadenhead@bonsackbaptist.org
Education & Outreach: John Recktenwald, email: jrecktenwald@bonsackbaptist.org
Education Assistant: Mike Bryant, email: mbryant@bonsackbaptist.org
Music: Grant Frederick, email: gfrederick@bonsackbaptist.org
Music Associate: Paul Peak, email: peakpep2@yahoo.com
Senior Adults: Elmo McLaurin, email: emclaurin@bonsackbaptist.org
Community Life: Ryan Saunders, email: rsaunders@bonsackbaptist.org
Director of Children’s Ministries: Carolyn Krisha, email: ckrisha@bonsackbaptist.org
Youth: Rob Covington, email: rcovington@bonsackbaptist.org
Communications: Celia Jones, e-mail: cjones@bonsackbaptist.org
Audio Visual:
Building Administrator: Sarah Hale, e-mail: shale@bonsackbaptist.org
Children’s music: Susan Plenge, email: splenge@bonsackbaptist.org
Finance: Stacey Evans, email: sevans@bonsackbaptist.org
Financial Secretary: Elizabeth Pierson, email: epierson@bonsackbaptist.org
Executive Administrative Assistant: Jill Winston, email: jwinston@bonsackbaptist.org
Administrative Assistant: Cindy Herald, e-mail: cherald@bonsackbaptist.org
Receptionist: Lisa Barton, e-mail: lbarton@bonsackbaptict.org
WEEC Director: Tana Adams, e-mail: tadams@bonsackbaptist.org
Click here for Bonsack’s website: www.bonsackbaptist.org
Buchanan, P. O. Box 537, Buchanan, VA 24066, 540-254-2253
Music: Stephen Harris, 540-966-2002
Students: Hiring for this position.
Click here for Buchanan’s website: www.buchananbaptist.com
Calvary, PO Box 12226, Roanoke, VA 24023, 540-344-9237, Fax: 540-982-1389
Worshiping on Sundays at Colonial Avenue Baptist Church 4165 Colonial Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24018)
Pastor: Steven Pollard, email: pastor@calvaryroanoke.org
Music/Organist: Jared Martin, email: music@calvaryroanoke.org
Director of Preschool Ministry: Donna de Simone, e-mail: info@calvaryroanoke.org
Office Manager: Debbie Foutz, email: finance@calvaryroanoke.org
Click here for Calvary’s website: www.calvaryroanoke.org
Catawba Valley, P. O. Box 12, Catawba, VA 24070, (10922 Catawba Road, Troutville, VA 24175)
Fax: 380-8454 , email: catawbavalleybc@gmail.com
Pastor: Aaron Mansfield, email: aarondm221@gmail.com
Music: Lora McClure
Student Ministries: Stephen Vaughan, email: stephenvaughan55@gmail.com
Clock here for Catawba Valley's website: www.catawbavalleybc.org
Cave Rock, 2233 Stoney Battery Road, Troutville, VA 24175, 540-992-3292
Church email: caverockbaptistchurch@gmail.com
Interim Pastor: Mark Childers, email: mechild07@gmail.com
Music: Mary Crowder, 540-362-4799
Cave Spring, 4873 Brambleton Ave., SW, Roanoke, VA 24018, 540-989-6136, Fax: 540-989-0653
Pastor: Pete Schemm, email: pschemm@csbc.us
Associate Minister of Administration: Chuck Stanley, email: cstanley@csbc.us
Associate Minister of Community & Missions: Allen James, email: ajames@csbc.us
Associate Minister of Worship & Music: Jon Rice, email: jrice@csbc.us
Associate Minister of Children, Students, and Families: Chip Baggett, email: cbaggett@csbc.us
Worship Associate: Sue Munson, email: smunson@csbc.us
Children’s Director: Patsy Clear, email: pclear@csbc.us
CSBC Preschool Director: Lori Morgan, email: lmorgan@csbc.us
CSBC Preschool Financial Secretary: Patty Holben, email: pholben@csbc.us
Click here for Cave Spring’s website: www.csbc.us
Cedar Bluff, P. O. Box 915, Buchanan, VA 24066, (24822 Lee Highway, Buchanan, VA 24066) 540-254-2374
Pastor: Brian Sink
Preschool: Tina Link, email: tlink1@rbnet.com
Facebook: Cedar Bluff Baptist
Central, 5656 Starkey Rd., Roanoke, VA 24014, 540-989-8779
Interim Pastor: Willis Greenstreet, 759-9134
Colonial Avenue, 4165 Colonial Ave., Roanoke, VA 24018, 540-774-2084, Fax: 540-774-1717, email: office@cabc.us
Pastor: Rev. Melissa Scott, 540-774-1332, e-mail: melissa@cabc.us
Associate Pastor & Minister of Education/Children/Youth:
Church Administrator: Karen Viele, email: office@cabc.us
Click here for Colonial Avenue website www.cabc.us
Connelly Memorial, 6840 Thirlane Road, NW, Roanoke, VA 24019, 540-265-0371
Email: cmbc55@verizon.net
Music: Kim Gakin, email:
Youth & Children: Fleta Dillon, email: fletad@hotmail.com
Secretary: Shirley Motley, email: motleymous7@aol.com
Click here for Connelly Memorial website www.newlifequest.org/NLQ/cmbcmain.html
Coopers Cove, (Mailing address - 3052 Cooper’s Cove Road, Hardy, VA 24101) Physical address - 1929 Cooper's Cove Road, Hardy, VA 24101
Interim Pastor: Bob Hetherington, email: hoge1946@gmail.com
Music Director: Leona Eanes
Craig Valley, P. O. Box 177, New Castle, VA 24127, (171 Salem Avenue, New Castle, VA 24127) 540-864-5667, email: craigvalleybaptist@gmail.com.
Pianists: Becky Francisco & Margaret Hines
Secretary: Kim Saunders
Click here for Craig Valley's website: www.craigvalleybaptist.com
Crystal Spring, P. O. Box 8116, Roanoke, VA 24014, 540-343-4204
Pastor: Jeffrey Dickson, email: jrdickson@liberty.edu
Music: Dena Holland
Click here for Crystal Spring website: www.crystalspringbc.com
Daleville, P. O. Box 195, Daleville, VA 24083, 540-992-1570
Pastor: Welsey Belcher, email: wabelcher@gmail.com
Music Director:Jason Hogancamp e-mail: jason@dalevillebaptistchurch.com
Youth Pastor: Adam Craig, e-mail: pastoradam@dalevillebaptistchurch.com
Administrative Assistant: Sharon Umberger, e-mail: Sharon@dalevillebaptistchurch.com
Click here for Daleville website: www.dalevillebaptistchurch.com
Eagle Rock, PO Box 219, (50 2nd Street) Eagle Rock, VA 24085, 540-884-2996
Pastor: Billy Ronk, 540-798-7825, e-mail: billyronk@outlook.com
Music: Nancy Ronk, email: nronk1957@gmail.com & Jessica Jones
Youth: Ben & Samantha Ronk
Enon, 7971 Williamson Rd., Roanoke., VA 24019, 540-366-6420, e-mail: enon@enonbaptist.roacoxmail.com
Pastor: Glenn A. Giles, 540-966-3499, email: ggiles2022@gmail.com
Minister of Music: Gary Carrell
Ministry Assistant: Debbie Giles
Secretary: Susan Johnson,
Click here for Enon web site www.enonbaptist.com
Faith, P. O. Box 1063, Salem, VA 24153-1063, 540-404-3320 or 540-520-9489
Pastor: Randel Harris, email: ran86whatua@gmail.com
Youth: Philip Barrett, 540-389-6326.
Fellowship Community, 1226 Red Lane Extension, Salem, VA 24153, 540-387-3200
Fellowship Community Church (Salem Campus)
Lead Pastor: Ken Nienke – knienke@fcclife.org
Worship Pastor: David Robbins - drobbins@fcclife.org
Children’s Director: Lynn Wampler - lwampler@fcclife.org
Student Director: Josh Horne - jhorne@fcclife.org
Unlimited Director: Patrice Smelser – psmelser@fcclife.org
Secretary: Barbara Conner - bconner@fcclife.org
Fellowship Community Church (North Campus)
Campus Pastor: Ethan Callison – ecallison@fcclife.org
Worship Director: John Obenshain – jobenshain@fcclife.org
Children’s Director: Crystal Stratton– cstratton@fcclife.org
Student Director: Matt Novitsky – mnovitsky@fcclife.org
Fellowship Community Church (Español Campus)
Campus Pastor: Julio Peredo – jperedo@fcclife.org
Fincastle, P. O. Box 707, Fincastle, VA 24090, 540-473-2861. Fax: 540-473-2861
Pastor: Kevin Cummings. e-mail: pastorkevin@fincastlebaptist.org
Associate Pastor for Children & Education:
Music Director:
Youth Pastor: Vacant
Office Administrator: Wanda Smith, e-mail Wanda@fincastlebaptist.org
Click here for Fincastle web site: www.fincastlebaptist.org
First Roanoke, 321 Marshall Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24016
Mailing address: P.O. Box 2799, Roanoke, VA 24001, 224-3300
Senior Pastor: Dr. Bryan Smith
Minister of Business Administration: Randy Grubb
Minister of Worship: Marty Hamby
Associate Minister of Worship – Todd Holloway
Director of Discipleship- Michael Harner
Minister to Generations Ministry – Terry Carroll
Minister of Local & Global Missions: Jay Dove
Minister to Students – Travis Cole
Minister of Young Adults - Brent Cummings
Minister of Pastoral Care: Wayne Gadman
Director of Communications – Bethany Cummings
Director of Children Ministries – Anne Edwards
Director of Preschool Ministries - Stacey Price
Click here for First Baptist web site www.firstroanoke.com
Forest Grove, 693 Mount Moriah Road, Eagle Rock, VA 24085, 884-2160
Pastor: Jerry Marsh, 884-2664, email: zipadedodah@ntelos.net
Garden City, 3536 Garden City Blvd., SW, Roanoke, VA 24014, 427-0131,
email: gardencitybaptist@verizon.net - Facebook: www.facebook.com/gardencitybaptist
Teaching Pastor: Brian Willard
Associate Pastor: John Sweeney, email: JohnTSweeney123@gmail.com
Music Director:
Children: Annie Guilliams
Secretary: Diane Watkins email: gardencitybaptist@verizon.net
Organist: Reta Mitchell
Pianist: Mary Gould
Treasurer: Mary Kaye Sweeney
Staff members without an email address listed can be emailed at: gardencitybaptist@verizon.net
Click here for Garden City's website: www.gardencitybaptist.com
Grandin Court, 2660 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA 24015, 774-1684, Fax: 774-9204
Pastor: Kevin Meadows, email: pastor@grandincourtbaptist.org
Music & Worship: Melissa Fox, email: joyfulnoise@grandincourtbaptist.org
Childhood Education & WEE Director:
MAC: Russell Emery, email: mac@grandincourtbaptist.org
Discipleship and Senior Adults: Charlie Krause, email: education@grandincourtbaptist.org
Prayer Ministry: Chris Hubbell, email: prayergcbc@yahoo.com
Church Administrator: Vicki Masters, email: secretary@grandincourtbaptist.org
Organist: Joe Kennedy, email: jhk4072@gmail.com
Grandin Court website: www.grandincourtbaptist.org
Gravel Hill, P.O, Box 60, Hardy, VA 24101, 540-890-3485
Pastor: Jason Bennett
Green Ridge, 5521 Green Ridge Road, Roanoke, VA,24019,540-562-0225, FAX: 540-562-4032
Pastor: Greg Moser, email: gmoser@greenridgebc.com
Associate Pastor: Family Ministries - Drew Hunsley, email: dhunsley@greenridgebc.com
Associate Pastor: Education & Admin. - Frank Ellington, email: fellington@greenridgebc.com
Associate Pastor: Worship & Discipleship - Brendan Hegarty, email: bhegarty@greenridgebc.com
Office Manager/Ministry Assistant: Ellen Carawan, email: ecarawan@greenridgebc.com
Secretary: Michele Rice, email: mrice@greenridgebc.com
Green Ridge website: www.greenridgebc.com
Haitian Sinai Baptist Church, 2905 Cove Road, NW, Roanoke, VA,24017
Pastor: Castin Mesadieu, email: pastorcastin@gmail.com
Haran, 7539 Old Bent Mountain Road, Roanoke VA, 24018, 540-774-8986, haranbaptist@verizon.net
Pastor: Don Summerville, email: dsummerhokie@comcast.net
Youth Pastor: Mark Mitchell, email: haranyouth@aol.com
​Music: Anna Ruth Johnson
Secretary: Anna Ruth Johnson
Haran website: www.haranbaptist.com
Heights Community, 2014 Memorial Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA 24015, 540-344-7748, Fax: 540-344-8422
email: hcc@heightschurch.info
Pastor: Nelson Harris, 540-989-8767, nharris@heightschurch.info
Music: Melia Garber, email: mgarber@hollins.edu
Church Secretary: Jennifer Tomlin, email: hcc@heightschurch.info
Click here for Heights Community website: www.heightschurch.info
Hollins Road, 3502 Old Mountain Road, NE, Roanoke, VA 24019, 540-362-9569, email: office@hrbc1.com
Pastor: Mark Washington, 540-366-5945, email: mwashington@hrbc1.com
Education & Family Life: Tim Young, 540-563-5148, email: tyoung@hrbc1.com
Music: Janet Washington, email: jwashington@rcs.k12.va.us
Interim Youth Minister: Greg Capito, email: gjcapito@yahoo.com
Children's Minister: Robert Mullins, email: rmullins@hrbc1.com
Hollins Road website: www.hrbc1.com
Journey Church, 5646 Cloverdale Road, Roanoke, VA 24019, 540-966-5683, text: 540-632-1535
email: office@journeyconnection.com
Pastor: Michael DuVal, email: michaelduval@journeyconnection.com
Pastor of Worship: Melody Irby, email: melodyirby@journeyconnection.com
Associate Pastor: Jackie Taylor, email: jackietaylor@journeyconnection.com
Office Administrator: Shannon Dillard, email: shannondillard@journeyconnection.com
Journey Church website: www.journeyconnection.com
Lithia, P.O. Box 698, Buchanan, VA 24066, 540-254-1399
Interim Pastor: Leonard Southern, email: Llsouthern1953@gmail.com
Living Water, 627 Vail Avenue, Vinton, VA 24179
Pastor: James Bergquist, email: james.bergquist@yahoo.com
Longdale, 4339 Craig Creek Road, Eagle Rock, VA 24085, 540-884-2010
Pastor: Grover Stevens
Lynn Haven, 1501 E. Washington Avenue, Vinton, VA 24179, 540-342-6102, Fax: 540-982-0786
Pastor: Bryan C. Crouch, email: pastor@lynnhavenchurch.org
Director of Children's Ministry: Jessica Cravens
Office Manager/Financial Secretary:
Click here for Lynn Haven website: www.lynnhavenchurch.org
​Melrose, 3520 Peters Creek Road, Roanoke, VA 24019, 540-366-6631, Fax: 540-362-1067
Pastor: Mark Mofield, email: mofield@melroebaptist.org
Music: Connie Cruz, email: music@melrosebaptist.org
Youth & Children: Greg Hetherington, email: greg@melrosebaptist.org
Senior Adults:
​Pastor Emeritus: Larry Sprouse
Communications Director: Blair Thurman, email: communications@merosebaptist.org
Office Manager: Shelly Lane, email: office@melrosebaptist.org
Click here for Melrose website: www.melrosebaptist.org
Midland, 460 Dale Avenue, Vinton, VA 24179, 540-343-7978
Pastor: Rodger Hogan, email: pastorrodger777@gmail.com
Music Director: Diane Grant (985-0969)
Mill Creek, 11475 Lee Highway, Fincastle, VA 24090, 540-992-3474, email: office@millcreekbc.com
Pastor: Danny Quirin, email: danny@millcreekbc.com
Music: Cindie Hayden, email: cindie@millcreekbc.com
Youth: Josh Witt email: josh@millcreekbc.com
Children: Peggy Arbogast, email: peggy@millcreekbc.com
Secretary: Sandra Kidd
Click here for Mill Creek's website: www.millcreekbc.com
Mineral Springs, 1030 Bible Lane, Vinton, VA 24179, 540-890-4465, MineralSpringsmail@netscape.com
Pastor: Jason Gault, email: gault77@aol.com
Youth Directors: Ricky & Mattie Braford, email: mbraford@parkwayroanoke.com
Secretary: Pat Stevens
Click here for Mineral Springs website: www.mineralspringsbaptist.org
Mount Calvary, P. O. Box 61, Shawsville, VA 24162, 540-268-1180
Pastor: Ed Watkins
Mount Pleasant, 3000 Pitzer Road, Roanoke, VA 24014, 540-427-5494
email: mpbcrke@gmail.com
Associate Pastor: Levi Halye email:
Associate Youth Pastor/Children:
Office Administrator: Jennifer Dove
Mount Pleasant website: www.mpbcroanoke.com
Mountain Pass, 2975 Catawba Valley Drive, Salem, VA 24153, 540-384-6720
Pastor: Jack Richards, email: cdrjr@hotmail.com
New Century, 4215 Melrose Avenue, NW (P.O. Box 6187) Roanoke, VA 24017, 540-366-6111, Fax, 540-366-6118, email: admin@roanokechurch.com
Pastor: Chase Krug, email: cckrug88@gmail.com
Discipleship Pastor: Josh Sizemore, email: jsizemore@roanokechurch.com
Children's Pastor: Randy Farthing, email: randy@roanokechurch.com
New Century website: www.roanokechurch.com
North Roanoke, 6402 Peters Creek Road, NW, Roanoke, VA 24019, 540-563-5113,
info line: 540-563-3785, email: nrbc@nrbc.org
Pastor: Daniel Palmer email: daniel@nrbc.org
Students: Ethan Smith, email: esmith46@liberty.edu
Worship: Paul French, email: paul@nrbc.org
North Roanoke website: www.nrbc.org
Oakland, 3623 Round Hill Ave., NW, Roanoke, VA 24012, 540-366-5861, Fax: 540-366-5383, email: office@oaklandbaptistchurch.net
Pastor: Scott Hamilton, email: pastorscotth@gmail.com
Children & Youth: Hiring, call for details
Secretary: Sandi Jones, email: office@oaklandbaptistchurch.net
Oakland website: www.oaklandbaptistchurch.net
Pleasant Hill, 4930 Country Club Road, Troutville, VA 540-992-5556, Fax: 540-992-3764,
email: phbcweb@gmail.com
Pastor: Daniel Barham, email: dbarham911@aol.com
Youth: Vacant
Music Director: Lillian Cook, email: lilljcook@gmail.com
Secretary: Carolyn Basham, email: phbcweb@gmail.com
Pleasant Hill website: www.phbcweb.com
Red Hill, 6251 Franklin Road, Roanoke, VA 24014, 540-989-9288,
church email: redhillbaptistroanoke@gmail.com
Pastor: Jim Frankie, email: jtfrankie@gmail.com
Worship: Rita Leiser
Secretary: Dbbie Elig
​Pianist: Marie Britton
Redemption, 622 Campbell Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA 24016,
email: hello@redemptionroanoke.com
Pastor: Carter Mundy, email: carter@redemptionroanoke.com
Executive Pastor: Michael Nunn, email: michael@redemptionroanoke.com
Church Website: www.redemptionroanoke.com
Ridgewood, 703 Hemlock Road, NW, Roanoke, VA 24017, 540-342-6492, Fax: 540-345-4034
email: ridgewoodbaptist@live.com
Pastor: Roy Kanode, email: roykanode@gmail.com, 540-343-3390
Music: Susan Bowles
Youth Director: Otey "Buck" Hutton, III, email: orhutton@liberty.edu
Secretary: Linda Fagg
Riverdale, 1624 Edgerton Ave., SE, Roanoke, VA 24014, 540-427-3141
Pastor: Jamey Tucker
​Worship Leader:
Lead SS Teacher: Tim Harris
​Riverdale website: www.riverdalebc.net
Riverland Road, 459 Riverland Road, Roanoke, VA 24014, 540-427-3067
Pastor: Terry Nester, email: riverlandpastor@yahoo.com
Youth: Vacant
Rosalind Hills, 2712 Brandon Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA 24015, 540-344-7888, Fax: 540-342-6915, email: officemanager@rhbc.roacoxmail.com
Pastor: Douglas Lidwell, email: dlidwell@gmail.com
Choir Director: Brian Hancock, email: brian@rosalindhills.org
Youth: Tony Wheeler, email: tony@rhbc.roacoxmail.com
Senior Adults: Sarah Roberts
Click here for Rosalind Hills website: www.rosalindhills.org
Seventeenth Street/Access, 113 17th. Street, SE, Roanoke, VA 24013, 540-344-2481
email: 17thstreetbaptist@gmail.com
Pastor: John Hayden, email: pastoraccess@gmail.com
Worship Leader: Melissa Beaudoin
Youth: Courtney Lancaster
Secretary: Jane Harlow
Springwood, 88 Copps Hill Road, Buchanan, VA 24066, 540-473-3513,
email: springwoodchurch@aol.com
Pastor: Mike Anderson, email: pmike09@outlook.com
Youth: Jeremy Quesenberry, email: supermachine54@yahoo.com
Troutville, P. O. Box 309, Troutville, VA 24175, 540-992-1026, email: troutvillebapst@gmail.com
Pastor: Dr. Jeff Ritchey, email address: jeff.ritchey6@gmail.com
Associate Pastor:
Children and Youth: Kevin James
Troutville website: www.troutvillebaptist.org
Villa Heights, 4060 Challenger Avenue, NE, Roanoke, VA 24012, 540-977-7305
Pastor: Johnny Crane, johnny@villaheights.com
Music: Jim Matthews, jim@villaheights.com
Administration & Education: Willie Klepper, willie@villaheights.com
Youth: Rick Harris, email: rick@villaheights.com
Children's Minister: Mary Beth Handley, marybeth@villaheights.com
Secretary: Lisa Taylor, office@villaheights.com
Click here for Villa Heights website: www.villaheights.com
Vinton, P. O. Box 306, Vinton, VA 24179, 540-343-7685, Fax: 540-343-5256
Pastor: Travis Russell, email: travis@vintonbaptistchurch.org
Music: Chris Monroe, 540-562-1839, email: chris@vintonbaptistchurch.org
Associate Pastor of Discipleship & Outreach: Whitney Russell, email: whitney@vintonbaptistchurch.org
Children & Family Life: Sarah Hurt, sarah@vintonbaptistchurch.org
Senior Adults: Barbara Shutt
Church Secretary: Patsy Talbert, email: patsy@vintonbaptistchurch.org
Finance Administrator: Carrie Tolley, email: carrie@vintonbaptist.org
Communications Director: Kim Yonce, email: kim@vintonbaptistchurch.org
Click here for Vinton's website: www.vintonbaptistchurch.org
Windsor Hills, 4436 Grandin Road Ext., SW, Roanoke, VA 24018, 540-774-0147
Pastor: Jim Walls
Music: Dan Felty, 540-343-5321
Youth & Education: Vacant
Zion Hill, P. O. Box 190, Fincastle, VA 24090
Pastor: Donald Goforth, 540-884-2285, email: zhbcfincastleva@gmail.com